Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pet Scoop: Dog Pulled From Earthquake Rubble, Family Mourns Cat Adopted at Age 20

November 02, 2016 at 07:16PM by
>br> Nov. 2, 2016: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Dog rescued from Nov earthquake

Dog Rescued From Destruction

Firefighters who found a dog alive in the rubble of an earthquake in Italy worked for an hour to free the dazed and friendly dog on Monday. The 6.6-magnitude quake’s epicenter was in Norica, northeast of Rome, and was the strongest to hit Italy in decades. A video of the rescue shows crews protecting and comforting the dog while they used their hands to clear rubble from around him. Once about half of his body was freed from the wreckage, they stopped to give him a bowl of water before digging the rest of his body out. Once he was safe, the firefighters sweetly petted the dog and got him to a veterinarian to be examined. He is one of 16 dogs and cats who’ve been rescued so far in towns in the affected area. Amazingly, there have been no reports of human or animal deaths. — Watch it at Fox News

Zoo Atlanta Reveals Panda Twins’ Genders

DNA tests performed by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute confirmed some exciting news: both of the twins born to mom Lun Luna at Zoo Atlanta on Sept. 3 are girls! That makes the second set of twin girls for Lun Lun. The pair’s older sisters, Mei Lun and Mei Huan, who are 3 years old, depart the zoo for a Chinese breeding center on Thursday. The younger set of twins is thriving at the zoo under the care of 19-year-old Lun Lun and the animal care team. The girls each weigh about 4 pounds. They’ll be named on their 100th day, Dec. 12, in accordance with Chinese tradition. In addition to their two sets of twins, Lun Lun and Yang Yang are also the parents of three older offspring. — Read it from Zoo Atlanta

Thousands of Baby Turtles Released

As part of a conservation effort, buckets filled with 17,000 Amazon River turtles were released into the wild in Peru over the weekend. The yellow-spotted turtle eggs, called Taricaya by the locals, were collected in August and protected by Peruvian authorities for 70 days until they hatched. They were released in a stream of the Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in Peru's Loreto region. There will be two more big releases this month, for a total of 50,000 new turtles in the area. — Watch it at CNN

Image: Dexter snuggles with boy

Tribute to Cat Adopted at Age 20

A Utah family had two loving years with Dexter, an affectionate cat who they adopted when he was 20 years old. The cat was rescued from a hoarding situation in 2014, and in a tribute video posted to YouTube, Dexter seemed very grateful for his new home. He clearly had an affinity for snuggling, especially with his family’s two dogs and their sons, ages 5 and 7. “The best cat in the entire world has left us,” Jill Williams wrote in the description of the video. “We will never forget the love and happiness he gave in his very short time with our family. Rest in peace, Dexter.” Dexter shows what Williams says is true: “It’s never too late to save a life." — Watch it at People Pets

Injured Elephant Seal Returns Home

Bilbo, a Northern elephant seal, was rescued in San Luis Obispo, California, on Sept. 17 with major shark bite wounds. He was treated and rehabilitated for about six weeks by the Marine Mammal Center, and he was released on Friday. The team let Bilbo go at Cappuccino Cove in San Simeon, where many other elephant seals who are his age — about 1 year old — are hauled out on the beach. — Read it from the Marine Mammal Center via Facebook


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