Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pet Scoop: 18-Year-Old Doxie Lives Bucket List, German Shepherd Wins Westminster

February 15, 2017 at 08:25PM by
>br> Feb. 15, 2017: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Morgan 18 year old Dachshund

Rescued Dog Loves Adventures

An elderly long-haired Dachshund has spent the last year of his life going on little adventures with Kate Reidy, the foster mom who rescued him. Morgan came to Reidy through the Senior Paws Sanctuary dog rescue in Florida after his original owner died. She decided to make the most out of the end of the healthy 18-year-old dog’s life. “Our adventures are usually an hour long, if that. I do think he enjoys it,” Reidy said. “Whenever I have his leash by the door ready to go, he runs right over. Maybe the day he doesn't run to the door, I'll know it's time to dial back.” For now, Morgan seems happy to go to baseball games, walk on the beach and visit the fire station. “I feel like he's gotten so much more lively. He loves to snuggle. He's a sweetheart,” Reidy said. — See photos at ABC News and follow Morgan on Facebook

Disease Could Be “Catastrophic” for Rare Antelopes

Scientists estimate a deadly infectious disease outbreak has killed about 25 percent of the critically endangered Mongolian saiga, a unique subspecies of antelope. About 2,500 of the population of 10,000 antelope have died just since December. The virus was introduced to the population in September from infected goats and sheep, scientists said. “The situation is tragic and widespread,” said Amanda Fine, a veterinarian and associate director of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Wildlife Health Program in Asia. A rapid-response team in Mongolia is working to collect samples from infected animals in an effort to stop the spread of infection and help the species recover. — Read it at Live Science

Police Officer Jumps Into Frozen Lake to Save Dog

A Vancouver, Canada, police officer rushed to the rescue of a dog who was drowning in a partially frozen lake Friday afternoon. The dog had chased a ball onto thin ice and fell through. He was struggling to stay above water when officers arrived. “Concerned for the immediate well-being of the dog, one of our officers removed portions of his uniform, took hold of one end of a rescue rope, and with his co-workers holding the other end, he made his way to the dog,” said Const. Jason Doucette. “Both the dog and our officer made it back to shore, cold, but uninjured.” A bystander shared photos of the hero officer on Twitter, and thanks for the officer have poured in on social media. — Read it at Canada’s CBC News

Image: Rumor Westminster 2017 BIS

Rumor Wins Best in Show

Rumor finally has it all. The 5-year-old German Shepherd who’s named after Adele’s “Rumor Has It” was favored to win Westminster’s Best in Show title last year, but she lost in an upset. But in January, she came out of retirement when her handler, Kent Boyles, decided to give her one more shot. Rumor snagged the prestigious award last night at 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden, after taking long strides through the ring. She’s only the second German Shepherd to win the top prize in the show’s history. The excited dog leapt up to lick Boyles after her win. “The German Shepherd standard talks about quality and nobility,” said Thomas Bradley, who was the Best in Show judge. “She is just magnificent.” Rumor bested a Norwegian Elkhound named Duffy; a Pekingese named Chuckie; a Miniature Poodle named Aftin; a Norwich Terrier named Tanner; a Boxer named Devlin; and an Irish Setter named Adrian. Now Rumor will really retire. “She's going to be relaxing for a while,” Boyles said after the win, and there are “puppies in her future.” — Read it from the AP via Yahoo

Man Reunited With Dog After Hiking Accident

It was Feb. 1 when Warren Muldoon was evacuated from a California mountain by helicopter. He was suffering from hypothermia, a broken leg, five broken ribs and a punctured lung — but his biggest concern might have been leaving his dog behind. The German Shepherd was 30 feet above him, unreachable near a waterfall. “I could see Dakota just standing there looking at me,” Muldoon said. “It just broke my heart to leave her.” Fortunately, the 3-year-old dog was rescued from the mountainside by another team, and she was delighted to be reunited with her recovering owner. A video of their sweet reunion was shared on Facebook on Friday. — Watch it at People Pets

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