Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pet Scoop: Couple Rescues Dog From the Mississippi, “Bark Ranger” Herds Park Wildlife

September 08, 2016 at 07:39PM by
>br> Sept. 8, 2016: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Annie the beagle

Beagle Saved Along Mississippi

Rhonda Stoney and her husband had an unusual visitor crash their 25th wedding anniversary trip to a campground along the Mississippi River. “We were sitting by our cabin outside and this little dog came in,” said Stoney. “This little Beagle came in from the Mississippi River. She was very wet and hungry.” The couple isn’t sure how long the dog was in the water, but they think she fell out of a boat or was swept away and managed to get out by the Big H campground in Wisconsin. A local veterinarian said the dog, who the Stoneys named Annie in honor of their anniversary, is deaf but otherwise healthy. They are caring for her while they search for her family. — Watch it at People Pets

Late 9/11 Search Dog to Be Honored on Anniversary

Bretagne was believed to be the last surviving search and rescue dog who worked at Ground Zero after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. This weekend, she’ll be honored at a ceremony for the 15th anniversary of the attacks at her hometown Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department. The Golden Retriever passed away in June, just two months shy of her 17th birthday. She had joined the department’s search and rescue team in 2000, and was deployed to several other disasters, including New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In her retirement years, she spent time listening to school children read at elementary schools near her Texas home. — Read it at Click 2 Houston

Most Humpback Whales Taken Off Endangered List

Thanks to 40 years of international conservation efforts, nine of 14 humpback whale population segments have rebounded from historically low levels. On Tuesday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced most humpback whale populations are no longer on the U.S. endangered species list. A moratorium on whaling imposed in 1982 was a crucial part of their comeback, NOAA said. Two of the four humpback whale populations that are still considered endangered can be found in U.S. waters at some times of the year. — Read it at Seeker

Image: Gracie at Glacier

“Bark Ranger” Trains Animals

National parks have faced increasing problems with encounters between their wild residents and human visitors. Often it’s visitors who approach the animals, but rangers at Glacier National Park say the animals also approach the visitors in some areas. In a pilot program, a 2-year-old Border Collie named Gracie is working to train wildlife like goats to stay away from popular tourist areas in the park, and to educate visitors about safely viewing the wildlife. So far, it’s working — and Gracie has become something of a celebrity. She has her own Instagram account, and when she’s not actively patrolling, often stops to get pets and pose for selfies with admiring visitors. — Read it at NPR

Zoo’s Makeshift Incubator Saves Kangaroo Joey

Shortly after she gave birth, Lillybet the kangaroo sadly passed away because she’d ingested a toxic plant. So, keepers at the small facility at the North Georgia Zoo jumped in to save her baby. They created an incubator using heating pads, a small humidifier and a temperature gauge to keep the newborn warm at a time when she would have still been inside her mom’s pouch. In addition, the tiny joey had to be fed every two hours. Now 5 ½ months old, Lillypad no longer needs her incubator but spends her time in a “pouch” created from an old purse with her keeper. Once she’s strong enough to be out on her own, Lillybet will join the zoo’s juvenile enclosure. — Read it at Florida’s Gainesville Times

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