Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pet Scoop: Girls Rescue Trapped Mama Cat, Video Shows Mailman Playing With Dog

August 03, 2016 at 07:24PM by
>br> August 3, 2016: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Mama cat and kittens rescued

Cat Family Saved in Canada

Two young girls are being credited with helping save the lives of a mother cat and her four kittens in British Columbia. Mackenzie Stevens, 10, and Isobel Schneider, 11, could hear faint cries coming from beneath a portable trailer at Trout Creek Elementary School. A parent in the neighborhood helped remove a board so they could get into the crawl space under the trailer, where they found an emaciated brown and black cat. Mackenzie’s mom posted photos of the cat they named Summer on social media, and neighbor Laura Caskey recognized her as a stray who’d recently had kittens, and fled with them during a recent thunderstorm. Caskey rushed back to the trailer’s crawl space and found the kittens huddled in a corner behind a pillar. It’s believed the cat family was trapped under the trailer for five days. They’re now happy at home with the Stevens family. — Read it at Canada’s CBC News

Mexico Uses Drones to Protect Rare Porpoise

The Mexican government has launched three drones with high-resolution cameras in its latest effort to stop the illegal fishing that’s resulted in the near extinction of the smallest porpoise in the world. The vaquita marina is found only in a small area of Mexico’s northwest gulf. “There is a lot left to be done and time is a decisive factor,” Admiral Vidal Francisco Soberon, the navy's chief, said. “We can't allow our seas to see another species disappear.” A census last May found there were only 60 of the creatures left in the sea. — Read it at Discovery News via Seeker

Injured Glider Joey Gets Surrogate Mom

A veterinary nurse at the Taronga Zoo in Australia is giving around-the-clock care to a tiny yellow-bellied glider joey who was in her mom’s pouch when they survived a collision with a barbed-wire fence. Surrogate mom Felicity Evans carries the 10-week-old joey around in a makeshift pouch and feeds her six times a day from a dessert spoon. “I have to carefully clean her fur afterwards and wipe off her little milk moustache,” said Evans. Meanwhile, the joey’s mom is recovering from her injuries at the zoo’s wildlife hospital. She can’t be released back into the wild due to the extent of her injuries, so she will become an ambassador for her species at the zoo. — See photos at Zooborns

Image: Mailman and German Shepherd

Sweet Friendship Caught on Video

A viral video shows a mailman in New Zealand stopping his bike for his visit with a friendly 9-month-old German Shepherd. The dog’s owner, Michael Collins, says the mail carrier stops to play with his dog every day, whether he has mail for Collins or not. Collins wanted to capture the adorable scene on video to thank him. He’s especially grateful because he thinks many people avoid his dog because they’re intimidated by his size. “But this guy here always makes an effort to get off his bike to give him a hug and a pat!” he wrote on Facebook. “Thanks man, keep up the good job and you've definitely got a friend waiting for ya!!” — Watch it at Buzzfeed

Jimmy Fallon Challenges Jared Leto to a Pup Quiz

Jimmy Fallon has been known to have lots of Golden Retriever puppies on the Tonight Show, usually as his famed Puppy Predictors. On Monday, though, he and actor Jared Leto faced off in our new favorite trivia game, Pup Quiz, where the winner of each round gets a puppy to snuggle. The rewards increased as the game went on, with Double Puppardy resulting in two puppies per correct answer! By the end, Fallon had an armload of adorable, cuddly puppies. — Watch it at YouTube


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