Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Pet Scoop: Owner and Dog Reunited at Adoption Event, Stress Can Give Dogs Grays

December 20, 2016 at 08:12PM by
>br> Dec. 20, 2016: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Daisy reunited with owner

Overjoyed Dog Reunited With Owner

It was around Thanksgiving when a dog named Daisy escaped from her Jacksonville, Florida, backyard after someone accidentally left the fence gate open. The family searched for her every day for two weeks with no luck. Then, their babysitter found Daisy on the local animal shelter’s Web site. Seeing that Daisy would be at a big adoption event on Saturday, the man rushed to find her. Daisy may have been the one who spotted her owner first. Shelter worker Jennie Clutterback said she was shocked to look over and see Daisy jumping all over. Daisy had broken Clutterback’s heart at the shelter because she always looked so sad. “(I) thought, ‘Holy cow, she found someone she really likes,’” Clutterback wrote on Facebook. “It turns out this is her Dad!!” Daisy’s now happily back with her family. — Watch it at Florida’s Action News Jax

Study: Anxiety Can Give Dogs Gray Hair

Humans aren’t the only ones who can get gray hair when they’re going through trying times. Their canine companions can, too. A new study finds that young dogs whose owners rated them as anxious and impulsive were more likely to have prematurely gray muzzles than dogs who weren’t considered anxious. The researchers based their findings on the results of a 42-item questionnaire filled out by 400 Colorado dog owners. They focused on dogs aged 1 to 4 years old. The study was published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science. — Read it at Live Science

Tiny Kitten Rescued From Cold

A 5-week-old kitten weighing barely a pound was found hiding under a car by a family in Washington, D.C., recently. They noticed the adorable kitten’s right eye was swollen shut and got her to the Humane Rescue Alliance’s adoption center right away for help. The staff was able to open her eye with a warm compress and some medication, and they got her some much-needed food. She’s now “recovering nicely” in foster care thanks to the Good Samaritans who found her. — See photos from the Humane Rescue Alliance via Facebook

Image: Cheetah sisters SD Zoo

Keepers Raise Cheetah Sisters

Two cheetah cubs who were born on Nov. 19 at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park are being hand reared because their mom stopped caring for them after their birth. A team of eight keepers has taken on the task of raising them, bottle-feeding them a formula specially designed for cheetahs. The sisters don’t have names yet, but their caretakers have been calling them Yellow and Purple due to the temporary identification markings on their tails. The girls are expected to try solids this week, and their bottle feedings will start to become less frequent. — See photos at Zooborns

Library Cat Gets to Keep Job for Life

Browser the library cat made international headlines last July, when the White Settlement, Texas, city council voted to ban him from the library where he’s resided for six years. After a backlash, he was quickly reinstated — and now he’s guaranteed the job for life. The councilman who tried to ban Browser, Elzie Clements, lost his reelection bid in a landslide last month, and even tried to ban the cat again at his last meeting, held last week. Instead, Mayor Ronald White named the beloved feline “Library Cat for Life.” Library staff members say patrons love Browser, who curls up next to children who read to him and enjoys stopping in a regular knitting class held in the building. “He’s such a gentle soul — people adore him,” said Lillian Blackburn, president of Friends of the White Settlement Library. “And if somebody does have an allergy, all they have to do is call the library and they’ll put him in a back room for a while, so they can come in. As far as I’m aware, there haven’t been any problems. Cats and books seem to go together somehow.” — Read it at People Pets

Original From:http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/pet-scoop-owner-and-dog-reunited-at-adoption-event-stress-can-give-dogs-grays?WT.mc_id=RSSFeed

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