Friday, September 23, 2016

Pet Scoop: Cat Survives Trip in Shipping Container, Dog Found 800 Miles From Home

September 22, 2016 at 07:52PM by
>br> Sept. 22, 2016: We've scoured the Web to find the best and most compelling animal stories, videos and photos. And it's all right here.

Image: Stowaway cat Lola

Stowaway Cat Travels to Belgium

Lola is enjoying lounging and loving scratches after apparently surviving a 4,000-mile, 4-week trip aboard a ship that sailed from Baltimore to Belgium. The cat was found when the last shipping container was pulled from the ship in Deurne, Belgium. Workers spotted a cat near the forklift and jumped in to rescue her. They gave her food and water, and used crowdfunding to get her treatment for an injury to her leg, reported the Baltimore Sun. In a Dutch video, Lola appears happy and well cared for while she rests and regains her strength. — Read it at People Pets

Citizen Finds Missing Police Dog

An explosives detection dog who ran away from his handler’s home in Prince William County, Virginia, Tuesday morning was quickly found by a local resident. Chuy, a German Shepherd, ran off while his handler’s wife was taking care of him. The dog’s handler, Virginia State Trooper Brandon West, told the public his dog would not bite. “Please if you see him try to play with him to get him to you and call #77 or 911,” he wrote. “THANK YOU to the area resident who spotted the German Shepherd, was able to get ahold of him, and called police. The beloved escape artist was located a short distance from his Nokesville residence ... and undoubtedly has a tale to tell about his adventures today!” the Virginia State Police posted on Facebook Tuesday night. — Read it at Washington’s WTOP

Endangered Hawaiian Chicks Transported to Refuge

In an effort to save the endangered Newell’s shearwater puffin, which lives only in Hawaii, experts removed eight chicks from their nests and flew them via helicopter to a protected habitat. The seabirds will stay there until they’re adults, when they’ll fly out to sea. "The predator-proof fence area within the refuge will provide a safe haven for the shearwaters which, like many other native Hawaiian bird species, are facing tremendous challenges with shrinking habitat and the onslaught of invasive species," said Heather Tonneson, project leader for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Kauai National Wildlife Refuge Complex. — Read it at the Christian Science Monitor

Image: Missy the Saint Bernard

Dog Found After 5 Years

A Saint Bernard who was meant to be a companion animal for a Colorado girl with special needs has been found 800 miles away in Missouri, five years after she disappeared. Missy was found as a stray about a week ago in Hillsboro, Missouri, and two determined animal control workers tracked down her owners despite the outdated contact information on her microchip. One of the caring workers, Melissa Morton, is leaving Missouri Friday to drive the dog home to her family. “They do have two children who are special needs so travel for them is not easy,” said Morton. “We could put the dog on a plane and send it to them, but that's just really impersonal.” — Watch it at Colorado's 9News

High School Football Players Rescue Cat From Drain

Two Massachusetts football players showed their softer side before a game on Friday. They were headed home after school when they heard loud squealing coming from a storm drain, and realized it was a trapped cat. They ran to one of the boys’ homes and grabbed supplies including a crow bar to open the grate and a bucket with a rope to lift the cat out. Their plan worked. They pulled the struggling, wet cat out just in time. Although the scared feline then ran off, it’s safe from the waters in the drain. — Read it at Inside Edition

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